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Diversiview partners with Stock Nostradamus

Why guess when you can get professional, science-based buy/sell recommendations?

Diversiview partners with Stock Nostradamus

Diversiview has the power to optimise your portfolio’s composition so you can get the best returns while taking lowest risks. Building a portfolio requires managing risk and finding great investment opportunities.  

We would like to introduce our new partner, Stock Nostradamus who answers the age-old question of “What should I invest in?”.  They do it with amazing success. Michael Dee, Director of Stock Nostradamus (AFSL 431 238) says their Platinum recommendations have a 99.7% success rate with an average return of 15%.  

Choosing stocks is hard, but what if …
… you could make an average of 15% on each new stock?

… you didn’t have to spend time researching stocks?
… you knew what stock to buy and when to buy it?
… you knew when to sell to lock in profits? 
… you knew there was a minimal chance of loss?

Imagine the confidence you feel about your financial future.

You would have reached the holy grail of investing.

How? Using their proprietary mathematics, Stock Nostradamus predicts the share price events that will generate profitable trades, making investing a rewarding experience, worth repeating!  

Stock Nostradamus is like putting a team of top analysts in your pocket, helping to make excellent trades, build wealth, and requiring no research by you at all! Once they know of the share price behaviour, they make a buy or sell recommendation to clients.  It’s as simple as that.

Each Stock Nostradamus Platinum recommendation produces an average return of 15%.  If you made 15% per year you could double your money in just 5 years.

How to get the recommendations?

The Stock Nostradamus App is quick and easy to use. It tells you how to make money.  What to buy, when to buy, and when to sell!  

It is available at the Apple App store and the Google Play Store

The service is very affordable.  Why wait?  Using their recommendations, you can get the answers everyone wants.  You will make better trades, spend less time researching and take on less risk.

It’s all available for you right now. See https://stocknostradamus.com to learn more and download the free Stock Nostradamus App.

Use special code for Stock Nostradamus to get your first two recommendations at the price of one

Use referral code KI*#5hrVhC to get started. This referral code will earn you a $55 credit when you make your first purchase – which means you can get your first two silver recommendations at the price of one.

Imagine adding the proven stock picking ability of Stock Nostradamus to the power of Diversiview’ optimisation.  You can invest like a professional with the power of this total portfolio management solution.

If you would like to discuss the Stock Nostradamus App please email michael@stocknostradamus.com to arrange a time.


The information in this email (“Information”) is not intended to constitute advice.  It is for general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs.  You should assess whether the information is appropriate for you and seek professional financial advice before relying on or making investment decisions based on the Information.  Investment products are subject to risk including the loss of income or capital invested.  Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.  

Diversiview® is a registered trademark of LENSELL GROUP PTY LTD, ACN 646 467 941.
LENSELL accepts no responsibility for any claim, loss or damage as a result of using the information in this email. All content is factual information, provided “as is” for information purposes only. It should not be considered financial advice nor solely relied upon for making any investment decisions.

Stock Nostradamus is owned and operated by Pythagoras Investment Timing Index Pty Ltd ACN 147371113 (AFSL 431 238). Neither Pythagoras, its directors, employees and representatives (collectively, “Pythagoras”) warrant the accuracy or completeness of the Information. To the extent permitted by law, Pythagoras disclaims all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by any person directly or indirectly.



