Renaming Your Portfolio

For easier organisation, Diversiview lets you assign custom names to your historical analyses. Here’s how to do it in a few quick steps:

  • Scroll down to the section that displays a history of all your past analyses and optimisations within your Diversiview dashboard.
Scroll down to the section that displays a history of all your past analyses and optimisations within your Diversiview dashboard.
  • Locate the specific analysis you want to rename. Click on the icon underneath the “Portfolio Name” column next to the analysis name.
How to change your portfolio name in Diversiview
  • In the designated field, type in the new name you’d like to assign to your analysis. Choose a clear and descriptive name that reflects the purpose or content of the analysis for better organisation.
  • Once you’ve entered your desired name, click the “Update” button to save the changes. Your analysis will now be displayed with the new name.
Change your portfolio name in Diversiview

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