Unlisted Investment Funds Available for Analysis in Diversiview

This list is valid as of 01 June 2023, and it will be updated as new unlisted investment funds become available for analysis in Diversiview, along with ASX and US stocks and custom investments (cash, term, deposits). 

(ordered by total FUM)

1VAN0110AUVanguard Growth Index Fund$9,190,800,000
2LTC0002AULa Trobe Financial 12 Month Term Account$7,300,000,000
3MGE0001AUMagellan Global Fund (Open Class) (Managed Fund)$8,375,910,000
4HOW0098AUArdea Real Outcome Fund$6,300,000,000
5ETL0018AUPIMCO Global Bond Fund$5,984,510,000
6FID0008AUFidelity Australian Equities Fund$5,666,220,000
7ETL0016AUPIMCO Diversified Fixed Interest Fund$3,551,710,000
8ETL0015AUPIMCO Australian Bond Fund$2,631,270,000
9PER0256AUInternational Shares$2,467,070,000
10ETL0349AUAllan Gray Australia Equity Fund (Class B)$2,418,180,000
11ETL0060AUAllan Gray Australia Equity A$2,400,000,000
12ACM0006AUAB Managed Volatility Equities Fund$1,571,370,000
13PER0284AUWealth Focus Perpetual Diversified Income Fund$1,473,530,000
14DFA0029AUDimensional World Allocation 70/30 Trust$1,174,470,000
15PER0733AUBarrow Hanley Global Share Fund Class A$699,780,000
16CIM0008AUCapital Group New Perspective Hdg (AU)$686,200,000
17MGE0007AUMagellan Global Fund (Hedged)$671,130,000
18PLA0003AUPlatinum Japan$505,000,000
19ZUR0581AUZurich Investments Unhedged Global Growth Share$281,270,000

New unlisted investment funds are added to Diversiview regularly, bookmark this page and return as needed.

If you have investments in a fund which is not on this list, email us at hello@diversiview.online and we will do our best to add it asap.

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