As you consider each individual investment to add to your portfolio, Diversiview supports you in your assessment by providing useful, factual, data-driven insight about individual securities.
See an example of a security Explore page, for VAS (Vanguard Australian Shares INDEX ETF) and check out What’s in a Diversiview Explore page article for an overview of the information you can find.
There are several places in Diversiview from where you can explore individual securities.
Explore Securities from the Main Diversiview Menu
Simply enter the code or name for the security you are after in the search box under the Resources menu item.

Explore Securities from the Order Page
As you enter your portfolio for analysis (or upload from CSV), you can click on any security code in the right area to explore that individual security.

Explore Securities from the Analysis Page
As you analyse your portfolio, Diversiview’s portfolio analysis page result will include all investments in your portfolio, as entered or uploaded by you. They are shown in the “Portfolio Composition” area.
If your portfolio also contains an ETF for which Diversiview has granular holdings, the analysis page will also show an “Individual exposure” section, showing all individual investments that you are exposed to by way of being part of your ETF investments.
In both those areas, you can click on any security code to explore more about any investment from the list.

Explore Securities from the Diversification Diagram
The diversification diagram shows the colour coded correlations between pairs of individual investments in your portfolio.
As you assess the diversification and try to identify the strong correlations that may reduce your diversification rating, you can click on any node in the diversification diagram to explore that particular security.

With so many options to explore individual securities, and an Explore page that is packed with very useful information, you are able to do you own research and identify those investments that work for you and your goals.
Please contact the team at and we will be happy to help.