View the top 10 ETFs by market (ASX and US), sorted by expected annual return*. Indicators are valid as at 10 February 2025.
You can also see the top performing stocks and top performing Indian mutual funds for the month.
* Expected annual return is calculated as geometrical (compound) average of daily returns from the past 3 years, annualised. Expected volatility is based on historical volatility.
Only ETFs older than 3 years have been included, to allow a fair comparison.
Australian Market (ASX)
Ticker | Name | Expected Return | Volatility |
FANG | Global X Fang+ ETF | 27.13% | 28.41% |
GOLD | Global X Metal Securities Australia Ltd | 20.82% | 13.59% |
SEMI | Global X Semiconductor ETF | 17.76% | 30.52% |
ESPO | Vaneck Video Gaming and Esports ETF | 16.61% | 21.29% |
ATEC | Betashares S&P/ASX Australian Technology ETF | 15.83% | 23.56% |
NDQ | Betashares Nasdaq 100 ETF | 15.45% | 19.47% |
SPY | SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust | 14.80% | 13.58% |
IVV | Ishares S&P 500 ETF | 14.52% | 13.25% |
IOO | Ishares Global 100 ETF | 14.34% | 13.58% |
VTS | Vanguard US Total Market Shares INDEX ETF | 14.12% | 13.60% |

Ticker | Name | Expected Return | Volatility |
ARGT | Global X Funds-Global X MSCI Argentina ETF | 39.34% | 29.44% |
AIRR | First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund III-First Trust RBA America | 21.33% | 24.12% |
VCAR | Simplify Exchange Traded Funds-Simplify Volt RoboCar Disrupt | 20.70% | 43.36% |
TUR | BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A.-iShares MSCI Turk | 19.89% | 32.11% |
NLR | VanEck ETF Trust-VanEck Uranium Nuclear Energy ETF | 17.96% | 24.03% |
EINC | VanEck ETF Trust-VanEck Energy Income ETF | 17.81% | 19.32% |
SMH | VanEck ETF Trust-VanEck Semiconductor ETF | 17.65% | 34.95% |
MLPX | Global X Funds-Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF | 17.44% | 19.60% |
USAI | Pacer Funds Trust-Pacer American Energy Independence ETF | 17.42% | 20.12% |
PPA | Invesco Capital Management LLC-Invesco Aerospace & Defense E | 17.38% | 17.14% |

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