View the top 10 stocks by market (ASX and US), sorted by expected annual return*.
You can also see the top performing ETFs and top performing Indian mutual funds for the month.
* Expected annual return is calculated as geometrical (compound) average of daily returns from the past 3 years, annualised. Expected volatility is based on historical volatility.
Only stocks older than 3 years have been included, to allow a fair comparison.
Australian Market (ASX)
Ticker | Security | Industry | Expected Return | Volatility |
PCL | Pancontinental Energy NL | Energy | 150.3% | 217.2% |
OBM | Ora Banda Mining Ltd | Materials | 148.4% | 78.7% |
QGL | Quantum Graphite Ltd | Materials | 127.1% | 138.1% |
SMI | Santana Minerals Ltd | Materials | 117.1% | 77.3% |
FND | Findi Ltd | Software & Services | 105.5% | 96.0% |
SKS | SKS Technologies Group Ltd | Capital Goods | 103.8% | 71.6% |
EZZ | EZZ Life Science Holdings Ltd | Consumer Discretionary Distribution & Retail | 97.3% | 80.4% |
NEU | Neuren Pharmaceuticals Ltd | Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology & Life Sciences | 95.1% | 78.9% |
BIO | Biome Australia Ltd | Household & Personal Products | 93.6% | 90.8% |
RIM | Rimfire Pacific Mining Ltd | Materials | 93.5% | 149.3% |

Ticker | Security | Industry | Expected Return | Volatility |
ADMA | ADMA Biologics Inc Common Stock | Health Care | 113.1% | 59.1% |
CLS | Celestica Inc. Common Stock | Technology | 111.3% | 67.2% |
BELFA | Bel Fuse Inc. Class A Common Stock | Technology | 110.6% | 51.5% |
VKTX | Viking Therapeutics Inc. Common Stock | Health Care | 110.3% | 127.7% |
MOD | Modine Manufacturing Company Common Stock | Consumer Discretionary | 109.8% | 55.8% |
POWL | Powell Industries Inc. Common Stock | Energy | 102.8% | 68.0% |
FTAI | FTAI Aviation Ltd. Common Stock | Industrials | 101.7% | 58.6% |
BELFB | Bel Fuse Inc. Class B Common Stock | Technology | 95.4% | 53.2% |
VIST | Vista Energy S.A.B. de C.V. American Depositary Shares | Energy | 95.1% | 48.9% |
VRNA | Verona Pharma plc American Depositary Share | Health Care | 80.6% | 66.2% |

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