Affiliation: Partner
Description: Sharesight is a leading portfolio tracking and management platform. With comprehensive features including performance tracking, tax reporting, and dividend management, Sharesight provides a clear overview of your investment portfolio.
Import Your Portfolio from Sharesight
1. Access the Portfolio Entry Section:
- From your Diversiview dashboard, select the Sharesight logo in the “Import From Your Platform/Broker” section.
2. Connect your Sharesight Account:
- After picking Sharesight, log in to your account using your credentials.
3. Import Your Portfolio:
- After your Sharesight account is connected, in the drop-down menu, choose the portfolio you wish to import. Click on the blue ‘Import’ button.
- You will be redirected back to your dashboard whilst Diversiview analyses your portfolio.
4. View Your Analysis Report:
- Within a few minutes, your comprehensive portfolio analysis report will be ready for viewing on your Diversiview dashboard. This report offers valuable insights into your portfolio’s asset allocation, risk profile, and potential areas for improvement.
By following these steps and exploring the additional resources provided, you’ll be well on your way to making informed investment decisions.
Sharesight User Bonus
Sharesight users who are not yet Diversiview users can access a special subscription offer through this link.
As a new user, enjoy 10 free credit points so you can run one more portfolio analysis for free, on top of the free first analysis that is offered for all Diversiview users.