Top 100 ASX ETFs by expected performance

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Top 100 ASX ETFs by expected performance

Check out for the top 100 ETFs listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, ranked by their expected performance as of 30 August 2023.

Note that only ETFs older than 3 years have been included, to allow fair comparisons.

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#CodeNameExpected return (see Note)Volatility (see Note)Beta (see Note)
1FUEL      Betashares Global Energy Companies ETF – Currency Hedged23.87%27.5%0.989
2OOO       Betashares Crude Oil INDEX ETF-Currency Hedged (Synthetic)21.62%41.11%0.779
3ACDC      Global X Battery Tech & Lithium ETF19.73%19.07%0.927
4IJH       Ishares S&P Mid-Cap ETF15.72%17.51%0.811
5IJR       Ishares S&P Small-Cap ETF15.27%19.36%0.824
6MOAT      Vaneck Morningstar Wide Moat ETF14.84%15.98%0.712
7MVB       Vaneck Australian Banks ETF14.36%19.01%0.98
8NDIA      Global X India Nifty 50 ETF14.18%17.78%0.413
9SPY       SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust13.89%14.49%0.685
10IWLD      Ishares Core MSCI World Ex Australia Esg ETF13.89%14.16%0.671
11IVV       Ishares S&P 500 ETF13.72%14.26%0.683
12FANG      Global X Fang+ ETF13.71%29.35%1.125
13IOO       Ishares Global 100 ETF13.58%13.8%0.654
14QUS       Betashares S&P 500 EQUAL Weight ETF13.05%14.69%0.685
15VTS       Vanguard US Total Market Shares INDEX ETF13%14.63%0.718
16QFN       Betashares Australian Financials Sector ETF12.61%17.32%0.917
17QUAL      Vaneck MSCI International Quality ETF12.52%15.03%0.696
18MVR       Vaneck Australian Resources ETF11.84%22.39%1.158
19VGS       Vanguard MSCI INDEX International Shares ETF11.79%13.11%0.678
20VHY       Vanguard Australian Shares High Yield ETF11.74%14.23%0.953
21F100      Betashares Ftse 100 ETF11.47%14.76%0.653
22ZYUS      Global X S&P 500 High Yield Low Volatility ETF11.38%15.14%0.384
23HJPN      Betashares Japan ETF-Currency Hedged11.2%19.4%0.854
24NDQ       Betashares Nasdaq 100 ETF11.07%21.02%0.896
25IIND      Betashares India Quality ETF10.89%15.98%0.32
26IXJ       Ishares Global Healthcare ETF10.41%13.51%0.36
27INCM      Betashares Global Income Leaders ETF10.31%13.07%0.398
28HACK      Betashares Global Cybersecurity ETF10.08%23.92%0.834
29FOOD      Betashares Global Agriculture ETF – Currency Hedged10.06%17.43%0.793
30IEU       Ishares Europe ETF10%14.87%0.692
31VESG      Vanguard Ethically Conscious International Shares INDEX ETF9.94%13.99%0.7
32QLTY      Betashares Global Quality Leaders ETF9.66%15.33%0.704
33ESTX      Global X Euro STOXX 50 ETF9.64%17.71%0.808
34QRE       Betashares Australian Resources Sector ETF9.51%25.42%1.206
35QOZ       Betashares Ftse Rafi Australia 200 ETF9.41%14.29%0.919
36BNKS      Betashares Global Banks ETF – Currency Hedged9.33%20.15%0.883
37VISM      Vanguard MSCI International Small Companies INDEX ETF9.29%15.12%0.756
38VEQ       Vanguard Ftse Europe Shares ETF9.23%14.81%0.697
39ETHI      Betashares Global Sustainability Leaders ETF9.19%15.44%0.729
40ILC       Ishares S&P/ASX 20 ETF9.12%14.51%0.952
41DHHF      Betashares Diversified All Growth ETF9.1%11.91%0.7
42VLC       Vanguard MSCI Australian Large Companies INDEX ETF8.81%14.6%0.936
43MVE       Vaneck S&P/ASX Midcap ETF8.76%16.44%1.035
44MVW       Vaneck Australian EQUAL Weight ETF8.74%15.24%0.976
45IHOO      Ishares Global 100 Aud Hedged ETF8.71%18.1%0.946
46ESGI      Vaneck MSCI International Sustainable Equity ETF8.59%12.9%0.601
47IHWL      Ishares Core MSCI World Ex Aus Esg (Aud Hed) ETF8.56%17.87%0.977
48IVE       Ishares MSCI Eafe ETF8.36%13.05%0.643
49WDMF      Ishares Edge MSCI World Multifactor ETF8.12%14.26%0.627
50RDV       Russell Investments High Dividend Australian Shares ETF8.07%14.52%0.926
51VGAD      Vanguard MSCI INDEX International Shares (Hedged) ETF8.06%16.71%0.976
52A200      Betashares Australia 200 ETF8%13.76%0.974
53TECH      Global X Morningstar Global Technology ETF7.92%21.69%0.991
54IOZ       Ishares Core S&P/ASX 200 ETF7.84%14.06%0.979
55RARI      Russell Investments Australian Responsible Investment ETF7.8%14.33%0.852
56VAS       Vanguard Australian Shares INDEX ETF7.79%13.81%0.989
57HEUR      Betashares Europe ETF-Currency Hedged7.74%18.83%0.933
58IXI       Ishares Global Consumer Staples ETF7.44%12.51%0.273
59QHAL      Vaneck MSCI International Quality (Hedged) ETF7.39%18.72%0.959
60DRUG      Betashares Global Healthcare ETF – Currency Hedged7.35%14.8%0.627
61VEU       Vanguard All-World Ex-US Shares INDEX ETF7.23%11.44%0.581
62VDHG      Vanguard Diversified High Growth INDEX ETF6.9%11.42%0.731
63IHVV      Ishares S&P 500 Aud Hedged ETF6.73%18.47%1.032
64VBLD      Vanguard Global Infrastructure INDEX ETF6.68%13.41%0.38
65WVOL      Ishares Edge MSCI World Minimum Volatility ETF6.42%10.67%0.381
66GRNV      Vaneck MSCI Australian Sustainable Equity ETF6.33%14.19%0.915
67HQLT      Betashares Global Quality Leaders ETF Currency Hedged6.26%18.6%0.903
68HNDQ      Betashares Nasdaq 100 ETF – Currency Hedged6.04%25.24%1.243
69IJP       Ishares MSCI Japan ETF5.99%14.82%0.476
70HETH      Betashares Global Sustainability Leaders ETF – CH5.8%18.74%0.994
71ROBO      Global X Robo Global Robotics & Automation ETF5.53%19.7%0.936
72EX20      Betashares Australian Ex-20 Portfolio Diversifier ETF5.48%14.89%0.962
73MVOL      Ishares Edge MSCI Australia Minimum Volatility ETF5.29%12.63%0.631
74VAP       Vanguard Australian Property Securities INDEX ETF5.13%19.87%0.933
75DZZF      Betashares Ethical Diversified High Growth ETF5.09%12.32%0.609
76IHD       Ishares S&P/ASX DIV Opportunities Esg Screened ETF4.78%14.18%0.896
77VSO       Vanguard MSCI Australian Small Companies INDEX ETF4.65%17.38%1.094
78EMKT      Vaneck MSCI Multifactor Em Markets Equity ETF4.44%14.65%0.353
79IKO       Ishares MSCI South Korea ETF4.41%18.65%0.754
80USD       Betashares U.S. Dollar ETF4.34%11.03%-0.337
81AUMF      Ishares Edge MSCI Australia Multifactor ETF4.26%13.67%0.753
82VDGR      Vanguard Diversified Growth INDEX ETF4.17%9.72%0.582
83DGGF      Betashares Ethical Diversified Growth ETF3.55%11.37%0.463
84MVA       Vaneck Australian Property ETF3.43%26.99%0.916
85FAIR      Betashares Australian Sustainability Leaders ETF3.41%15.35%0.893
86RBTZ      Betashares Global Robotics and Artificial Intelligence ETF3.15%22.14%0.989
87IFRA      Vaneck Ftse Global Infrastructure (Hedged) ETF2.72%13.84%0.604
88POU       Betashares British Pound ETF2.69%8.03%-0.05
89VGE       Vanguard Ftse Emerging Markets Shares ETF2.35%14.44%0.466
90VDBA      Vanguard Diversified Balanced INDEX ETF1.69%7.54%0.46
91DBBF      Betashares Ethical Diversified Balanced ETF1.04%8.66%0.265
92ATEC      Betashares S&P/ASX Australian Technology ETF1.04%26.81%1.291
93SUBD      Vaneck Australian Subordinated Debt ETF1.01%1.7%0.002
94MVS       Vaneck Small Companies Masters ETF0.68%15.98%0.852
95QPON      Betashares Australian Bank Senior Floating Rate Bond ETF0.5%1.67%0.001
96EEU       Betashares Euro ETF0.39%7.52%-0.011
97IEM       Ishares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF0.35%15.16%0.54
98AAA       Betashares Australian High Interest Cash ETF0.32%0.61%-0.001
99FLOT      Vaneck Australian Floating Rate ETF0.24%1.47%-0.006
100VAE       Vanguard Ftse Asia Ex Japan Shares INDEX ETF0.23%14.9%0.486

Note: The expected return for an investment is calculated as the geometrical (compounded) average of daily returns, annualised, for the past 3 years. Volatility is calculated as the standard deviation from the expected return. Beta considers the ASX All Ordinaries index as representative of the entire market. Past performance does not guarantee future performance, and it only acts as an indication of what could be expected.

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