How does your ETF compare?

Check out for the top 100 ETFs listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, ranked by their expected performance as of 30 August 2023.
Note that only ETFs older than 3 years have been included, to allow fair comparisons.
Do you have US ETFs? Check out the top 100 US ETFs ranked by expected performance.
You can explore all over 200 ASX-listed and all over 2000 US-listed ETFs in Diversiview – login to your dashboard.
# | Code | Name | Expected return (see Note) | Volatility (see Note) | Beta (see Note) |
1 | FUEL | Betashares Global Energy Companies ETF – Currency Hedged | 23.87% | 27.5% | 0.989 |
2 | OOO | Betashares Crude Oil INDEX ETF-Currency Hedged (Synthetic) | 21.62% | 41.11% | 0.779 |
3 | ACDC | Global X Battery Tech & Lithium ETF | 19.73% | 19.07% | 0.927 |
4 | IJH | Ishares S&P Mid-Cap ETF | 15.72% | 17.51% | 0.811 |
5 | IJR | Ishares S&P Small-Cap ETF | 15.27% | 19.36% | 0.824 |
6 | MOAT | Vaneck Morningstar Wide Moat ETF | 14.84% | 15.98% | 0.712 |
7 | MVB | Vaneck Australian Banks ETF | 14.36% | 19.01% | 0.98 |
8 | NDIA | Global X India Nifty 50 ETF | 14.18% | 17.78% | 0.413 |
9 | SPY | SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust | 13.89% | 14.49% | 0.685 |
10 | IWLD | Ishares Core MSCI World Ex Australia Esg ETF | 13.89% | 14.16% | 0.671 |
11 | IVV | Ishares S&P 500 ETF | 13.72% | 14.26% | 0.683 |
12 | FANG | Global X Fang+ ETF | 13.71% | 29.35% | 1.125 |
13 | IOO | Ishares Global 100 ETF | 13.58% | 13.8% | 0.654 |
14 | QUS | Betashares S&P 500 EQUAL Weight ETF | 13.05% | 14.69% | 0.685 |
15 | VTS | Vanguard US Total Market Shares INDEX ETF | 13% | 14.63% | 0.718 |
16 | QFN | Betashares Australian Financials Sector ETF | 12.61% | 17.32% | 0.917 |
17 | QUAL | Vaneck MSCI International Quality ETF | 12.52% | 15.03% | 0.696 |
18 | MVR | Vaneck Australian Resources ETF | 11.84% | 22.39% | 1.158 |
19 | VGS | Vanguard MSCI INDEX International Shares ETF | 11.79% | 13.11% | 0.678 |
20 | VHY | Vanguard Australian Shares High Yield ETF | 11.74% | 14.23% | 0.953 |
21 | F100 | Betashares Ftse 100 ETF | 11.47% | 14.76% | 0.653 |
22 | ZYUS | Global X S&P 500 High Yield Low Volatility ETF | 11.38% | 15.14% | 0.384 |
23 | HJPN | Betashares Japan ETF-Currency Hedged | 11.2% | 19.4% | 0.854 |
24 | NDQ | Betashares Nasdaq 100 ETF | 11.07% | 21.02% | 0.896 |
25 | IIND | Betashares India Quality ETF | 10.89% | 15.98% | 0.32 |
26 | IXJ | Ishares Global Healthcare ETF | 10.41% | 13.51% | 0.36 |
27 | INCM | Betashares Global Income Leaders ETF | 10.31% | 13.07% | 0.398 |
28 | HACK | Betashares Global Cybersecurity ETF | 10.08% | 23.92% | 0.834 |
29 | FOOD | Betashares Global Agriculture ETF – Currency Hedged | 10.06% | 17.43% | 0.793 |
30 | IEU | Ishares Europe ETF | 10% | 14.87% | 0.692 |
31 | VESG | Vanguard Ethically Conscious International Shares INDEX ETF | 9.94% | 13.99% | 0.7 |
32 | QLTY | Betashares Global Quality Leaders ETF | 9.66% | 15.33% | 0.704 |
33 | ESTX | Global X Euro STOXX 50 ETF | 9.64% | 17.71% | 0.808 |
34 | QRE | Betashares Australian Resources Sector ETF | 9.51% | 25.42% | 1.206 |
35 | QOZ | Betashares Ftse Rafi Australia 200 ETF | 9.41% | 14.29% | 0.919 |
36 | BNKS | Betashares Global Banks ETF – Currency Hedged | 9.33% | 20.15% | 0.883 |
37 | VISM | Vanguard MSCI International Small Companies INDEX ETF | 9.29% | 15.12% | 0.756 |
38 | VEQ | Vanguard Ftse Europe Shares ETF | 9.23% | 14.81% | 0.697 |
39 | ETHI | Betashares Global Sustainability Leaders ETF | 9.19% | 15.44% | 0.729 |
40 | ILC | Ishares S&P/ASX 20 ETF | 9.12% | 14.51% | 0.952 |
41 | DHHF | Betashares Diversified All Growth ETF | 9.1% | 11.91% | 0.7 |
42 | VLC | Vanguard MSCI Australian Large Companies INDEX ETF | 8.81% | 14.6% | 0.936 |
43 | MVE | Vaneck S&P/ASX Midcap ETF | 8.76% | 16.44% | 1.035 |
44 | MVW | Vaneck Australian EQUAL Weight ETF | 8.74% | 15.24% | 0.976 |
45 | IHOO | Ishares Global 100 Aud Hedged ETF | 8.71% | 18.1% | 0.946 |
46 | ESGI | Vaneck MSCI International Sustainable Equity ETF | 8.59% | 12.9% | 0.601 |
47 | IHWL | Ishares Core MSCI World Ex Aus Esg (Aud Hed) ETF | 8.56% | 17.87% | 0.977 |
48 | IVE | Ishares MSCI Eafe ETF | 8.36% | 13.05% | 0.643 |
49 | WDMF | Ishares Edge MSCI World Multifactor ETF | 8.12% | 14.26% | 0.627 |
50 | RDV | Russell Investments High Dividend Australian Shares ETF | 8.07% | 14.52% | 0.926 |
51 | VGAD | Vanguard MSCI INDEX International Shares (Hedged) ETF | 8.06% | 16.71% | 0.976 |
52 | A200 | Betashares Australia 200 ETF | 8% | 13.76% | 0.974 |
53 | TECH | Global X Morningstar Global Technology ETF | 7.92% | 21.69% | 0.991 |
54 | IOZ | Ishares Core S&P/ASX 200 ETF | 7.84% | 14.06% | 0.979 |
55 | RARI | Russell Investments Australian Responsible Investment ETF | 7.8% | 14.33% | 0.852 |
56 | VAS | Vanguard Australian Shares INDEX ETF | 7.79% | 13.81% | 0.989 |
57 | HEUR | Betashares Europe ETF-Currency Hedged | 7.74% | 18.83% | 0.933 |
58 | IXI | Ishares Global Consumer Staples ETF | 7.44% | 12.51% | 0.273 |
59 | QHAL | Vaneck MSCI International Quality (Hedged) ETF | 7.39% | 18.72% | 0.959 |
60 | DRUG | Betashares Global Healthcare ETF – Currency Hedged | 7.35% | 14.8% | 0.627 |
61 | VEU | Vanguard All-World Ex-US Shares INDEX ETF | 7.23% | 11.44% | 0.581 |
62 | VDHG | Vanguard Diversified High Growth INDEX ETF | 6.9% | 11.42% | 0.731 |
63 | IHVV | Ishares S&P 500 Aud Hedged ETF | 6.73% | 18.47% | 1.032 |
64 | VBLD | Vanguard Global Infrastructure INDEX ETF | 6.68% | 13.41% | 0.38 |
65 | WVOL | Ishares Edge MSCI World Minimum Volatility ETF | 6.42% | 10.67% | 0.381 |
66 | GRNV | Vaneck MSCI Australian Sustainable Equity ETF | 6.33% | 14.19% | 0.915 |
67 | HQLT | Betashares Global Quality Leaders ETF Currency Hedged | 6.26% | 18.6% | 0.903 |
68 | HNDQ | Betashares Nasdaq 100 ETF – Currency Hedged | 6.04% | 25.24% | 1.243 |
69 | IJP | Ishares MSCI Japan ETF | 5.99% | 14.82% | 0.476 |
70 | HETH | Betashares Global Sustainability Leaders ETF – CH | 5.8% | 18.74% | 0.994 |
71 | ROBO | Global X Robo Global Robotics & Automation ETF | 5.53% | 19.7% | 0.936 |
72 | EX20 | Betashares Australian Ex-20 Portfolio Diversifier ETF | 5.48% | 14.89% | 0.962 |
73 | MVOL | Ishares Edge MSCI Australia Minimum Volatility ETF | 5.29% | 12.63% | 0.631 |
74 | VAP | Vanguard Australian Property Securities INDEX ETF | 5.13% | 19.87% | 0.933 |
75 | DZZF | Betashares Ethical Diversified High Growth ETF | 5.09% | 12.32% | 0.609 |
76 | IHD | Ishares S&P/ASX DIV Opportunities Esg Screened ETF | 4.78% | 14.18% | 0.896 |
77 | VSO | Vanguard MSCI Australian Small Companies INDEX ETF | 4.65% | 17.38% | 1.094 |
78 | EMKT | Vaneck MSCI Multifactor Em Markets Equity ETF | 4.44% | 14.65% | 0.353 |
79 | IKO | Ishares MSCI South Korea ETF | 4.41% | 18.65% | 0.754 |
80 | USD | Betashares U.S. Dollar ETF | 4.34% | 11.03% | -0.337 |
81 | AUMF | Ishares Edge MSCI Australia Multifactor ETF | 4.26% | 13.67% | 0.753 |
82 | VDGR | Vanguard Diversified Growth INDEX ETF | 4.17% | 9.72% | 0.582 |
83 | DGGF | Betashares Ethical Diversified Growth ETF | 3.55% | 11.37% | 0.463 |
84 | MVA | Vaneck Australian Property ETF | 3.43% | 26.99% | 0.916 |
85 | FAIR | Betashares Australian Sustainability Leaders ETF | 3.41% | 15.35% | 0.893 |
86 | RBTZ | Betashares Global Robotics and Artificial Intelligence ETF | 3.15% | 22.14% | 0.989 |
87 | IFRA | Vaneck Ftse Global Infrastructure (Hedged) ETF | 2.72% | 13.84% | 0.604 |
88 | POU | Betashares British Pound ETF | 2.69% | 8.03% | -0.05 |
89 | VGE | Vanguard Ftse Emerging Markets Shares ETF | 2.35% | 14.44% | 0.466 |
90 | VDBA | Vanguard Diversified Balanced INDEX ETF | 1.69% | 7.54% | 0.46 |
91 | DBBF | Betashares Ethical Diversified Balanced ETF | 1.04% | 8.66% | 0.265 |
92 | ATEC | Betashares S&P/ASX Australian Technology ETF | 1.04% | 26.81% | 1.291 |
93 | SUBD | Vaneck Australian Subordinated Debt ETF | 1.01% | 1.7% | 0.002 |
94 | MVS | Vaneck Small Companies Masters ETF | 0.68% | 15.98% | 0.852 |
95 | QPON | Betashares Australian Bank Senior Floating Rate Bond ETF | 0.5% | 1.67% | 0.001 |
96 | EEU | Betashares Euro ETF | 0.39% | 7.52% | -0.011 |
97 | IEM | Ishares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF | 0.35% | 15.16% | 0.54 |
98 | AAA | Betashares Australian High Interest Cash ETF | 0.32% | 0.61% | -0.001 |
99 | FLOT | Vaneck Australian Floating Rate ETF | 0.24% | 1.47% | -0.006 |
100 | VAE | Vanguard Ftse Asia Ex Japan Shares INDEX ETF | 0.23% | 14.9% | 0.486 |
Note: The expected return for an investment is calculated as the geometrical (compounded) average of daily returns, annualised, for the past 3 years. Volatility is calculated as the standard deviation from the expected return. Beta considers the ASX All Ordinaries index as representative of the entire market. Past performance does not guarantee future performance, and it only acts as an indication of what could be expected.
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